onsdag den 31. august 2011

Japanese stuff, so-much-candy-that-you-can't-take-it and an english test!

Last monday(2 days ago, lol) I had an appointment with a lady, and an english test. I was actually supposed to take that test before I had chosen my courses, but they(the peoples at my school) obvious forgot it... And I'm so happy for that! :DDD  
Anyway, the test went good. It wasn't really that hard, so I'm probably a 4, maybe a 5(5 is the best). But after that I went to a shop, that I have wanted visit since I first saw it. It was a shop, FULL. WITH. JAPANESE. STUFF!!! Kyaaaaaa.............! *sick otaku-scream*

Kyaaa.....! What do you think? *W*
After that the. The candy shop. And it really was The Candy Shop. I've never seen so much candy in my whole life...

'nuff said.

søndag den 28. august 2011

Lapland 2nd Round

Today we went hiking in the mountains... Even before we started I was like: "Oh man! This sucks! I'm so bored already..." 'cuz I have had my potion of hiking. In Lapland.

In the end of the summer 2010 me and my class went to Lapland, which is a part of northern Sweden, on a 2 weeks hiking trip. It's was amazing, but very hard at the same time.. Not enough clean underwear, powder sauce, mosquitoes, good morning sunshine-song etc. etc.
Buuut it went fine~~~ (our own trip) It wasn't that hard for me... And we got to see a really big waterfall! And the natur was really pretty~~ And wild... *0*

onsdag den 24. august 2011

Home alone >:DDD

Okay, today I'm going be alone at home with my sister, 'cuz my parents are going to Portland, to buy a car, and shop in IKEA(it's now official, IKEA is taking over the world).
So we are going to be alone today, and I think I'm going to kidnap my dads bike-helmet, 'cuz I don't have 1 jet... And humans under 16 are not allowed to ride a bike without a helmet...
Right now I'm getting an update from my friend in Denmark, about... Denmark... I just need an update, so I can be sure that the country hasn't exploded or something like that :b

søndag den 21. august 2011

One week! Kinda...

Okay, I have been here in Bend in over a week now...
And I freaking love it!! XDDD
Seriously, the weather is so nice here, about 30 celsius everyday(nananananaaa XD)
Sorry, that wasn't  nice...
But okay, I have been spending my days by floating a river, and do other kinds of lazy-ass actions.... :D

I have also been deciding which subjects I'm going to study in school. And on thursday, I'm going to talk with my counslor X3 

tirsdag den 16. august 2011


Sorry... I haven't been blogging lately, 'cuz I have been busy trying not to be to tourist and danish-girl-who-hasn't-been-in-USA-for-real-before AKA running around with a droppend jaw! Seriously! This place(America) is crazy!!! And by crazy I mean epic, awesome and huge! *0*
Everything is in x-large over here it's so awesome!!!
But we made it over here, and it's super nice :3
Do you want some pictures from America? I'll put them on the blog now..

My high school x3

I live on this way :3 
Candy!!!!! :D

Giant Oreos <3

Num num num....

An amusement park, we passed on the way to Bend 

x3 <333

Dollars XD

lørdag den 13. august 2011


Here is a little diary I wrote while I was on the way to USA. It's on written my iPod touch :3
DK 11:31
We are leaving the house. Now it's completly empty.. Right now we are driving in a big taxa drived by a nice guy with a mustache 

DK 12:44
Checking the bagage …
DK 14:34 
Okay, I Think we are going to take off, right now!!!!! 
DK 15:10
Watching The Adjustment Bureau on the plane :3 
DK 17:11
We are beginning the landing now
DK 18:12 ICELAND 16:12
Just wandering around in the airport in Reykjavik 
DK 22:47 ICELAND 20:47 OR 13:47
4 hours more, Right now you can't see the earth, but when we were flying over east Canada there could we see everything! It was so beautiful! And wild!! :D
DK 00:52 OR 15:42
Sleepy we're arriving in about 1 hour and 49 minute
And first now, I'm realizing, that we're here… You know… In America! 
OR 17:31 Dk 02:31
We're in the beginning of the landing to Seattle. We're flying over the outskirts of Seattle, and I already think that we have passed over an area just as big as Copenhagen 
OR 19:13 DK 04:13
We're waiting outside the airport with the dogs. and now it's official, I AM IN AMERICA!!!  XDDDD
OR 19:29 DK 04:29
I'm in the centrum of Windows! The place where Bill Gates lives, aka. I'm in Seattle XD (aaand you probably already know that )
OR 19:57 DK 04:57
Leaving Seattle in an awesome white pick-up! XD
So know we need to drive(or my dad needs to drive) in 6 hours( what the....? I don't want to travel anymore! I wanna go home )
But 1 of the awesome things is; that's the car dosen't Make any noise! Only this brrrr-Sound(like a cat)
OR 23:29 DK 08:29
We're taking a break, where we can go to the restroom. I think I'm a bit overtired, 'cuz everything is suprisely funny when I first starts to talk(hallo! Your jet-lacking swetty!! There is a reason!!)
OR 01:10 Dk 10:10
Roadtriiiip………!!!(I just fell like yelling bear with it)
We've passed the mountain range, and now we're heading towards Bend. And I actually just saw the first sign to Bend! :D
OR 02:30 DK 11:30 
We're still heading towards Bend... We still need to pass on City more, and then, the longest day in my life finally can end! *tears of joy*
OR 03:07 Dk 12:07
We're in Bend!!! Finally!!!
OR 03:22 DK 12:22
We're at the house, oh my god, we're finally here!!

torsdag den 11. august 2011


It has been a while since I last blogged, but there is a reason!
Do you remember that I was going to move the US in the end of the summer? Maybe not, but the time has come! I'm moving tommorow.. So the last two weeks has been really busy with packing stuff and cleaning up...
And the first word that will pop-up in your mind if you walked into my room right now, would probably be~~ Empty...*while your looking around* 'cuz that's what my room is right now, empty! Everything is gone.. The only things that is left is my baggage, the carbin, a lamp, my pillow and a cardboard with posters in it. 

So tomorrow it's goodbye to good, old, rainy Denmark.. Kinda sad, but I'm going to see so many new things! And I'm going to High School... High school... God! I can't understand that I'm going to high school! Me! High school???! You gotta be kidding me! Please don't make me look like some weird danish girl, who dosen't understand a single thing(actually my english is pretty good, but all the other things!!)

torsdag den 4. august 2011

Genki!!! :DDDD

OMG I'm going to Genki today!! x3 AAARGHHH..............!!!! I can't wait!!!! XDDDD

Note: Genki is an anime event held each summer