mandag den 13. juni 2011

Back To School, Back To Drama...

Today I was not in school, that's bacause we here in Denmark have something called "helligdage". Basically it's just some days in the year that are special to us and as celebration we don't go to school and the shops are all closed :D

Really nice when you woke up, it's monday morning, and you start to think: "Oh Sh*t... I should be in school today!" And then you realise... That the school is closed and you can stay in your bed for a few more hours!
But tomorrow I'm going to school again... Right now my class is working with a play. Shakespears Twelfth Night Or What You Will(my role is countess Olivia).
And It's getting pretty good... I mean... when we started I(and some other ppls) were like: Dude.. We will never make it...
But now... It's looking pretty good..
The premiere is on the 21th june... So tomorrow we have one week left!
So pray for us please!!!

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